Friday, December 31, 2010

Blouse Massacre and the Four Pawed Suspects

I bought myself a Christmas gift -- a black knitted blouse. But my four pawed friends torn it and ate two of its buttons! Maybe they thought it doesn't fit me? :(

My new blouse with two buttons missing and lots of dog hair/fur :(

I tried to find out who the suspects are, not to punish them but to monitor if it would result in any health problem. Besides, dog trainers/educators say you never punish your dog if you don't catch him in the act.Good for them, I didn't catch them but "scene of the crime evidences" solved the "mystery" of my blouse "massacre".
Principal suspects IceBaby (far left) and Garci (center), with accessory to the crime Doogal (right).


  1. Pity! Next time hide your stuffs from them! They all look so innocent though.

  2. 3 dogs in your terrace ready for this coming 3 kings...
