Showing posts with label dog punishment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog punishment. Show all posts

Friday, December 31, 2010

Blouse Massacre and the Four Pawed Suspects

I bought myself a Christmas gift -- a black knitted blouse. But my four pawed friends torn it and ate two of its buttons! Maybe they thought it doesn't fit me? :(

My new blouse with two buttons missing and lots of dog hair/fur :(

I tried to find out who the suspects are, not to punish them but to monitor if it would result in any health problem. Besides, dog trainers/educators say you never punish your dog if you don't catch him in the act.Good for them, I didn't catch them but "scene of the crime evidences" solved the "mystery" of my blouse "massacre".
Principal suspects IceBaby (far left) and Garci (center), with accessory to the crime Doogal (right).